Ball State University - IN
Find tuition - time: 9.27 seconds
Find the start date of the fist summer session - time: 8.7 seconds
How well organized do you think this website is? - answer: Pretty well organized. Easy to find things.
When I went on the website I decided to test for something that probably everyone looking at the school would want to check: tuition. I also wanted to check for something sort of random and that would be searched for less often because I wanted to see if everything was about the same level of accessibility. The tester I used found both in about the same amount of time, under 10 seconds, and she actually found the one I would have thought to be more difficult almost a half second faster than the tuition. I expected this website to be easily navigated because of its clean presentation, color schemes, and organization, so the results matched my expectation. My conclusion is that although this seems like a very boring place to go to college (the town website lists Wal Mart as a shopping destination...) the website is very well laid out, clear cut, and pleasing to look at. This reflects well on the college and makes me think that it might be a pleasant place to go to school.
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