Monday, September 19, 2011

CWC Ideas

Enviro Club
1.       Potential organization contacts:
a.       Brittany Evans – SLCC division contact
b.      Kyle Graser – PR officer
c.       Joe Lohr – Westminster division contact
2.       Potential audiences:
a.       Westminster students, faculty, and staff
b.      SLCC students, faculty, and staff
c.       Sugar House community members
d.      Salt Lake City community members
3.       Desired responses:
a.       After reading/seeing any documents the audience should have an increased awareness of environmental issues and information on how to make positive changes with their habits.
b.      Some of the documents will probably be used to increase audience participation in more Enviro Club activities. I imagine that I will create at least a few documents that would be promotional material for specific events that the Enviro Club is putting on.
c.       Hopefully the documents I create will help the audience to make changes in their daily habits that would decrease the amount of resources they use.
4.       Research:
a.       I attended the Envio Club meeting at Westminster to get a feel for the organization. I’ve spoken with Joe Lohr and he is excited about the idea of working with me for this project.
b.      I’ve looked through the Enviro Club website and brainstormed ideas to present as potential documents and directions the documents could go.
5.       Why this organization?
a.       I agree with the mission statement of the Enviro Club. I would love to be a part of this movement to educate people on how to make small changes that have big effects. I wanted to pick something that I am interested in so that I will be more motivated to make each document and make each document well. It is also very convenient that we are just starting the Westminster branch of this club, and that it is fairly new at SLCC as well. I see the newness of this club being an advantage when it comes to making documents because the organization has a lot of potential and needs to be promoted.
6.       Questions:
a.       What are your short term and long term goals for this club?
b.      Who are your target audiences?
c.       Does the information you want to get out differ depending on the target audience?
d.      How well known is this club already?
e.      What is your first priority right now where you are with this club? Are we looking at getting the name out there or can we jump right into promotional/informational material?
f.        How exactly is this club funded?/Do we need to keep any donor preferences/ideals in mind when creating each document?
g.       Are there any guidelines for layout/format that each document needs to meet?
h.      What is your style? How should we approach these documents? (friendly, humorous, serious, scare tactics, inspirational, etc)
i.         Where would you like to see these documents displayed?
j.        What types of documents are you thinking of so far?
k.       Is there anything you would like to complete that has a specific deadline?

Westminster Environmental Center
1.       Potential organization contacts:
a.       Kerry Case – Environmental Center Director
b.      Monica Ferreira – Outreach Coordinator
2.       Potential audiences:
a.       Westminster students, faculty, and staff
b.      Sugar House community members
c.       Greater Salt Lake City community members
3.       Desired responses:
a.       I imagine that most of the documents I would create for this organization would be to promote the organization itself and give information on different activities the club encompasses. Hopefully my documents would increase the audience’s awareness of what the Environmental Center does on and off campus, and that my documents would help to increase activity with Westminster community members in Environmental Center sponsored activities.
4.       Research:
a.       I have been involved in activities with the Environmental Center and I know many people involved in helping the center run smoothly. I know there are a lot of branches within the environmental center so I know the Center could use promotional and informational documents.
5.       Why this organization?
a.       Again, I am very interested in environmental issues and would enjoy working with the Environmental Center helping to inform and motivate the Westminster community in becoming more environmentally aware. I know there would be pleanty of opportunities for making documents that the Center would need. It is also convenient that it is located on campus and I am already involved in some of its activities, so my foot is already in the door.
6.       Questions:
a.       How much promotional material have you already put out?
b.      Are there guidelines in formatting that will need to be followed?
c.       What are some short term and long term goals for the Environmental Center
d.      What are some of the main ideas you would like to get more publicized?
e.      What events would you really like to see have more attendance/get bigger?
f.        Do you think we will focus mainly on the Westminster community? Are you trying to branch out into the surrounding community at all?
g.       Are there any projects you would like to see completed that have specific deadlines?
h.      Would you like to focus on one aspect of the Environmental Center and pursue that or would you rather produce documents for many different parts of the center?
i.         How is the center funded? Do we need to keep donor preferences in mind?
j.        What tone would you like the documents to have?

The Inclusion Center for Community and Justice
1.       Potential organization contacts:
a.       Kilo Zamora – Executive Director
b.      Saundra Stokes – Associate Director
2.       Potential audiences:
a.       Westminster students, faculty, and staff
b.      Salt Lake City community members
3.       Desired responses:
a.       I assume I would probably be making promotional material for the Inclusion Center that would be posted around campus and around the greater community. The goal of most of my documents would probably be to increase involvement with various activities the center sponsors. I think I would also make material that would advertise volunteer opportunities and workshops the center puts on.
4.       Research:
a.       I have looked at the Inclusion Center’s website and also have been a part of a few workshops the center has put on.
5.       Why this organization?
a.       I liked the way the center ran and organized the workshops I have been a part of. Also, I can identify and agree with what the center promotes. To help promote equality and diversity would help keep me motivated to produce good documents. Like the other two this is located on Westminster’s campus, but it is not Westminster’s organization. I like the idea that I could work on something so close to home that has an impact on the whole Salt Lake community. Since I’m not from here it would be nice to make connections in the community outside of Westminster.
6.       Questions:
a.       Would you like to focus more on reaching the Westminster community or the larger community in general? Or would you like equal focus on both?
b.      Do different audiences need different basic information?
c.       What tone would you like the documents to have?
d.      Are there guidelines in formatting that will need to be followed?
e.      Are there any projects you would like to see completed that have specific deadlines?
f.        What are some of your long term and short term goals for the Inclusion Center
g.       Who funds the Inclusion Center?
h.      How much material have you put out lately?
i.         What do you think the best way to reach your audience(s) would be?
j.        How well known is this organization already at Westminster and in the greater community?

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