Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Team Project Status Report

• What did you, personally accomplish on you team project this week?

This week as a team we completed the client report proposal. I was most involved in the first draft process. We met and brainstormed ideas and our most important points and wrote the first draft. Then I edited it once. I also wrote up the questions for the survey we will conduct.

• What are you planning to accomplish next week?

I am planning on conducting our research this week. I will hand out and collect the surveys around Shaw and the commons one day in between classes or around lunch when there are a lot of people hanging out around campus.

• What challenges are you facing individually and as a team?

As a group we have issues meeting together all at once. We all have very busy schedules because we all go to school full time and have jobs. We are going to try and meet more and if everyone can't make it I want to try and keep them more in the loop. Realistically we probably won't get to meet as an entire group very much. Personally, I will try to devote more time to the project next week because I don't think I will have as much other homework or work for my other job. I find it challenging to devote myself to this project. I know that this is supposed to simulate real life with multiple deadlines and keeping them balanced, but it is frustrating because I have a real life with a real job with real deadlines that I get paid to meet. I take school and this class seriously, but sometimes things come up with my other responsibilities that take priority over class assignments.

• How can I help?

I think we have it all under control. As long as we all commit more time to meeting as a group everything will continue going as planned.

1 comment:

  1. Commiting more time is a good idea. But is it realistic? Are there ways you can better incorporate technology or other methods of communication?
